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Software Development Tools


SunSoft (Developer Products)

SPARCworks is an integrated set of development tools providing seamlesssupport for the development, deployment, and evolution of C, C++,FORTRAN, and Pascal applications. SPARCworks is included in the SunSoftWorkShop for C, C++, FORTRAN, and in SPARCworks Professional Pascal. Thetools included with SPARCworks improve individual developer productivityand application quality. SPARCworks can also be extended to support theefficient development of multithreaded applications withSPARCworks/iMPact. Teams of developers are easily supported by extendingSPARCworks with SPARCworks/TeamWare, an integrated solution that speedsand simplifies code management tasks.Power FeaturesSPARCworks tools debug, browse, and tune even the largest applicationswith ease. They support the debugging of optimized code and dynamicallylinked shared libraries. SPARCworks also includes on-demand runtimechecking to detect memory-access violations and memory leaks for improvedapplication quality, and Pix and Continue to slash turnaround time. Italso provides dynamic data collection and resource usage analysis tosimplify performance tuning and to automate reordering functions forefficient virtual memory use.Open, Extensible EnvironmentSPARCworks provides an open extensible framework using ToolTalkmessaging, the Common Desktop Environment (CDE) standard for intertoolcommunication. SPARCworks allows you to extend and customize yourenvironment, enabling integration of third-party CASE tools.Speed Development with SPARCworks ToolsSPARCworks 3.0 provides a complete development environment for Solaris.With its programming tools, you can:ClassGrapher NEW_PARAGRAPH -- Efficiently browse C++ class structureswith ClassBrowserExamine, control, and debug applications with Debugger:interactive, on-demand runtime error checking NEW_PARAGRAPH -- Fix bugsfast with Fix and Continue NEW_PARAGRAPH -- Graphically representcomplex data structures with DataInspectorNEW_PARAGRAPH -- Visually compare and merge source files with FileMergeNEW_PARAGRAPH -- View and control system build procedures with MakeToolNEW_PARAGRAPH -- Launch and manage individual session tasks withSPARCworks Manager

Language: C, C++, FORTRAN, PASCAL, Ada
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: SPARC system or compatible.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4

SunSoft (Developer Products)
2550 Garcia Ave UMPK 16-302
Mountain View, CA 94043-1100
Phone: (415) 960-1300
Fax: (415) 968-6396